Having finally seen the film, I agree with most of what you stated. However, I'm hard pressed to see this movie as being worse than Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 or Black Widow. It clearly tries to do too much in one movie. I was mildly entertained by it, whereas I was either bored or stupefied by the other movies I mentioned.

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Thanks for the heads up on Marvel's Eternals. I've had trouble making it through even the ads for the movie without getting totally confused as to what it's about, or why bother to see it. Coupled with a massive cast of characters that look in no way appealing and featuring "headline stars" off of the I-was-top-box-office-seven-years-ago list the runtime of something over Eternal, (is it really two and three-quarter hours) Marvel has found a great way to keep us from wasting any time on this mess. It looks like what they were trying to do was make five or six movies all at once without any reason to watch any one of them. ... Your comments reflect every concern I had about this movie from what little I could make out from the ads.

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I actually think this is a very entertaining review; it's better written with more wit and originality than most I read on RT, and while I've not seen it, it certainly tracks from how bad the trailer looks. I'm a very liberal person and I just don't understand why there's this much ire aimed at the author. Mentioning race and sexuality doesn't instantly make a person a bigot, when clearly these are things the film is serving up for consideration. Writers commenting evenly across their work (addressing the issue with both men and women) on the topic are socially commenting. Insisting that we ignore the issue, or that any time you address sexuality you are sexist, is a form of modern puritanism that is useless in a debate; it brooks no response. If a film says someone is a virgin, that information is relevant to the plot. Whether you like that or not, it's part of the film, and to say you can't mention without being sexist means your problem is with the film, not the reviewer. Saying he can't mention that plot point because he is a man, is not reasonable in a debate.

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I just bursted out laughing . Idk if this was towards me but anyways a whole bunch of nothing. You can mention why a woc belongs there and be a bigot . You’re questioning why make room for diversity that makes you a bigot. You finding this entertaining is your opinion but sexualizing women and calling a 45 year old women still hot and the virginity of a character is beyond disgusting . You’re just excusing the behavior and that’s not up for discussion. Also the virginity is not part of the plot in any way if you read the review or even watched the movie. But maybe you just typed without thinking because this was a whole bunch of nothing.

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I think I can just look at your name and understand why no one needs to take you seriously. I really liked what this person wrote. I don't care how old a woman is. If she's hot, she's hot. Calling someone a bigot probably makes you feel important, seeing how much you used the term. Personally, I'd rather not see any gayness in any film, especially not from a company that markets to kids, but liberals have the power in media and they don't seem to care what children think or find it important to understand. That is the choice of the individual and the mature. Children don't know what they want. Since most people are biologically engineered to be attracted to the opposite gender, better that we encourage such things and not make children confused about something while they are still growing.

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Whether you are right or wrong on this, you certainly won't change anyone's mind by attacking them. And if you think you're doing good work by screaming at people on the internet, you are not. You are making no difference. 4/10 troll.

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For the record, Salma is 55.

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I only see an incel writing about why he didn't enjoy the film. Not an actually argument because why this is a bad movie. Lol

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gonna down vote this.

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This “ review “ is fucking disgusting . It’s a bigot writing this question why a women of color whose deaf is there. Sexualizing Salma Hayek and Sersi is beyond disgusting. Focus on writing about the movie and giving a good review not a ignorant and creep one.

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Dude. Seriously shut the fuck up. He focused on writing about the movie in 99% of the review. It seems you should actually focus on reading the review and not getting offended on other people's behalf over a joke. And please don't respond. I'm too busy sexualizing deaf women of color to listen at your bullshit explanation.

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I guess you don’t know how to do math…. A joke lol. Sexualized women more than twice and made pervert comments. I wouldn’t be surprised if little girls turned him on with his big pervert mind. And you didn’t read the review or my comments clearly because there’s two different women lol. Maybe read before you bark incel dog.

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Looks like mommy blocked someone's Fortnite privileges. A man says.. I'm not interested in your love life. Go away. or why a character that was predominantly a male in the comics is now a female and somehow they are a pervert and a bigot and all the ets and ots. Do you know how stupid you sound? This guy called her sexy. Boo hoo. He's a rapist. Maybe read the full review and then come barking at me. And btw for the record. How fucking dare you to call me a dog? I'm not a dog. If anything I would be a bitch. Just because my name is Holland Thomas. You will go on and assume I'm a guy and call me a dog? Sexist much? Go fix your own sexism towards men and then call others bigot ya fucking snowflake weirdo.

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apparently "not interested in your love-life Sersi, please get it off my screen" is now considered "beyond disgusting sexualization", to the twitter femcels of the interwebs. good to know i guess.

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It’s also the comment of Salma Hayek being a hot 45 year old as it’s sexist and wouldn’t come up if it was man. He also questioned why a women of color whose dead is there as if she wasn’t needed. Sounds to me someone got their bigot thoughts in the way of a movie.

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Shut up will you. You're a moron. The film is a dive because it was not directed properly. Chloe should never have been given the movie to direct & the actors are not "Superhero" fit to play the roles. Terrible terrible movie. Glad it's been voted as the worst Marvel movie of all time because it is.

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You’re comment did nothing literally it’s a joke. I didn’t “shut up “lol .I don’t care about your opinions I care about the fact that a pervert man is sexualizing and making heinous comments about actresses instead of writing a good review . But we live in a world full of racist, bigot, rapist men.

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Is it literally a joke? Have you blown your engine? I can promise you one thing, us racist, bigot, rapist men are 100% not looking in your direction. You pig. You are absolutely what's wrong with the world at the moment. You feminazi's need to be left alone on a island somewhere. See how far you get without us racist, raping men.

Don't you dare generalise us blokes again. We're fed up of your type.

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Glad you acknowledged y’all are rapsits and racist and bigots . BIGOTS😂 since that’s your brand right .

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Yes of course its always a “joke “ in cases of everything for you men. Rape cases, bullying cases, murder cases lmao. Excuses excuses. Probably if instead straight men just lived far way our problems would end and world would beautifully prosper. You sound really mad though… lol Camt respect women and not make sexual comments in a review ? lol

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No, it’s “Sersi dated Ikaris for thousands of years and never lost her virginity to him for fear of turning his penis into overcooked spaghetti. (You know when you are really hot for someone, your brain decides that their genitals are going to taste like dessert? The problem with Sersi is that she could make that happen. And while it might be amusing for an evening, no one wants to have to find new clothes to fit that modification.).” If you chose to ignore that you have a serious problem.

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stay tuned for scenes from next week's episode of "Salem Woke Trials", pervs!

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Got nothing else to say ? Says something. Stay tuned for next weeks episode of bigots get told off lol.

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The only bigot here is you. I feel sorry for your parents to have raised such a loser lmao

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Thats all you got?…. lol a joke

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sry, too busy sexualizing virgin deaf women of colour. keep shrieking, i'll just be a minute.

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If you paid attention you would realized there’s two women im talking about but you just bark and no clue what you say.

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Honestly… what do you think it means? If someone is being objectified, it’s him, no?

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Sounds to me you objectify women based on your comments on them. Talk about the movie and not a women’s virginity sick perv.

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I would engage on these issues, but you seem irrationally enraged to a degree that it would serve no purpose.

And I would mention a 55-year-old man serving that purpose. See Once Upon A Time in Hollywood and all the attention paid to Brad Pitt.

The virginity comment was in context of them dating for thousands of years. Have you seen the film?

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Enjoy your rage. Best of luck to you.

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Irrationally?? Say that to yourself to excuse your pervert sexualization of a review. Was the virginity comment needed lol only because it’s a women and you think that’s your business. Try not to sexualize women sir and believe deaf woc have no reason to be on screen , 55 year old man who needs a close to death reality check .

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