Having finally seen the film, I agree with most of what you stated. However, I'm hard pressed to see this movie as being worse than Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 or Black Widow. It clearly tries to do too much in one movie. I was mildly entertained by it, whereas I was either bored or stupefied by the other movies I mentioned.

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Thanks for the heads up on Marvel's Eternals. I've had trouble making it through even the ads for the movie without getting totally confused as to what it's about, or why bother to see it. Coupled with a massive cast of characters that look in no way appealing and featuring "headline stars" off of the I-was-top-box-office-seven-years-ago list the runtime of something over Eternal, (is it really two and three-quarter hours) Marvel has found a great way to keep us from wasting any time on this mess. It looks like what they were trying to do was make five or six movies all at once without any reason to watch any one of them. ... Your comments reflect every concern I had about this movie from what little I could make out from the ads.

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I actually think this is a very entertaining review; it's better written with more wit and originality than most I read on RT, and while I've not seen it, it certainly tracks from how bad the trailer looks. I'm a very liberal person and I just don't understand why there's this much ire aimed at the author. Mentioning race and sexuality doesn't instantly make a person a bigot, when clearly these are things the film is serving up for consideration. Writers commenting evenly across their work (addressing the issue with both men and women) on the topic are socially commenting. Insisting that we ignore the issue, or that any time you address sexuality you are sexist, is a form of modern puritanism that is useless in a debate; it brooks no response. If a film says someone is a virgin, that information is relevant to the plot. Whether you like that or not, it's part of the film, and to say you can't mention without being sexist means your problem is with the film, not the reviewer. Saying he can't mention that plot point because he is a man, is not reasonable in a debate.

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I only see an incel writing about why he didn't enjoy the film. Not an actually argument because why this is a bad movie. Lol

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This “ review “ is fucking disgusting . It’s a bigot writing this question why a women of color whose deaf is there. Sexualizing Salma Hayek and Sersi is beyond disgusting. Focus on writing about the movie and giving a good review not a ignorant and creep one.

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