So, the main driver behind whether people turn out for a movie like TLD is whether people find the movie itself interesting, and/or are convinced to see it by the marketing campaign. Stating that the movie over/under-performed because young/old people turned out/didn't turn out, or that the movie was too long, or that there weren't enough good showtimes, or the director's track record predetermined its fate, is simplistic and avoids the complicated business of analyzing the movie itself/its marketing campaign for reasons. Am I on the right track?
So, the main driver behind whether people turn out for a movie like TLD is whether people find the movie itself interesting, and/or are convinced to see it by the marketing campaign. Stating that the movie over/under-performed because young/old people turned out/didn't turn out, or that the movie was too long, or that there weren't enough good showtimes, or the director's track record predetermined its fate, is simplistic and avoids the complicated business of analyzing the movie itself/its marketing campaign for reasons. Am I on the right track?