Daily entertainment news punditry and box office analysis from one of the foremost experts in the theatrical distribution arena. Pop in, subscribe and learn about macro-sized Hollywood trends years before they become accepted conventional wisdom.
TV industry commentator and critic Dan Barrett curates the must-read stories direct to your inbox every morning, with a bit of analysis nobody asked for.
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We need a vibrant alternative to mainstream culture, especially a non-dependent cinema ecosystem. Let's build it together & examine what got us here in the first place -- including how we can each build our own sustainable & generative creative practices.
I probably started writing the piece you are about to read because I thought it contained something funny. Fingers crossed I was correct in this assumption.
Analysis and reporting on politics and culture in America. Home to Sarah Longwell, Tim Miller, Bill Kristol, JVL, Sam Stein, and more.
No partisan loyalties. No tribal prejudices.